Saturday, May 14, 2011

Intro to our trip

Hello! We are so excited that we have the opportunity to go on this amazing trip to Europe! We thank everybody who helped make this all possible!

We will start the trip in Dublin, Ireland and then move on to Copenhagen, Denmark. From there we will fly to Brussels, Belgium and then on to Paris, France! I, Kileigh, will be telling you everything we do in Ireland and France and Miriam will be talking about Denmark and Belgium. We will be seeing at least 3 historic and beautiful landmarks in each country and explaining them to all of you back home. We are on a tight budget of $9,000 so we will be sleeping in cheap hostels and eating bread and butter so to speak! 

We will be leaving on October 4th and returning on the 20th. This is going to be a wonderful trip and exposure to other countries culture and history.

We hope you enjoy reading all of our experiences. Talk to you soon!

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