Monday, May 16, 2011

Day 7: The Return of the Art

October 10th, 2011

We headed out early to a new cafe where we feasted on some traditional Tompouce, a delicious pastry found in both Belgium and the Netherlands. We headed over to La Grand Place. This is the central square of Brussels and the most important tourist destination of Belgium. The first reference to The Lower Market, as it was called, is from 1174, and it gained the name La Grand Place in the late 18th century.

The architecture stood out to me. The buildings are so beautiful that one may stand there for hours just looking at them. Though I wanted to look for a while, Kileigh managed to drag me to the shopping, which, unfortunately, we spent the majority of the time doing. We sat down to eat a simple lunch and continued our souvenir hunt.


After we had pretty much spent half of our trip money, we retired to another art museum, this time it was the Museum of Ancient Art. This museum included art from the 14th century to the 18th century and it was quite nice. Many of the works are inspired by religious themes, as was common in that time period, but others were a bit different. I greatly enjoyed the landscapes made by Joachim Patinir. We spent a fair bit of time enjoying the artwork before finding a nice restaurant in which we shared Brochette. We would have eaten more, but neither I, nor Kileigh, was particularly fond of the idea of eating rabbit with goose liver and goose fat. 



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