Monday, May 16, 2011

Day 5: Amusment and Art

October 8th, 2011

Our day started off with a trip to the Tivoli Gardens, or Tivoli. It was so much fun! Tivoli is both an amusement park and a garden. We started out by going on some of the rides. The most famous one being the Rutsjebanen or the Bjerg Banen (Mountain Track). It is one of the oldest roller coasters in the world, built in 1914. Then we went on the world's tallest carousel called Himmelskibet. It was incredible! We could see the entire city of Copenhagen from when we were at the top!

After the fun was over, we went to see the Tivoli Concert Hall. Unfortunately, we did not get to go inside, but it was still worth going to see. The architecture can only be described as gorgeous. 


All in all, it was a great start to a great day. On our way out of Tivoli, we stopped at The Paul restaurant inside of the park. It was a bit pricey, but then again, the food was organic and vegetarian, so it makes sense to have a bit of a larger price. 

To get some shade, we went to the ARoS art museum. There were no exhibits around, but the collections in themselves were mind blowing. The art museum has a collection from the Golden Age which spanned from 1770 to 1900 and then a collection of Danish Modernism which spanned from 1900 to 1960. The final collection is Contemporary Art, spanning from 1960 to the present. We saw such works as A Farewell by Christen Dalsgaard, and Double Brown by Michael Kvium.


 After we were finished looking through the artwork, we stopped for dinner at a very fancy restaurant that had too many courses to remember. We ate fish, bread, cheese, meat, and anything else that was brought to our table. I swear that I could eat Danish food forever.


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