Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Day 13: I scream for Ice cream!

October 16th, 2011

Hello there,

Today we went back to Versailles to experiance more of the once in a life time sights. Since I told you about it yesteday, I will not bore you with the details again. I will just say another time, it was Fantastic!!!

We tried something new today! Berthillon's ice cream. People kept asking us if we had been there and we said no. So we finally found the place and went there this afternoon. Now I know why people kept asking us! It was some of the best ice cream I have ever tasted! Miriam got strawberry and I got a hot fudge sunday. We had blast and are thinking about going back again tomorrow! :)

Yummy yummy ice cream!.... I am still thinking about it! Haha!

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