Saturday, May 14, 2011

Day 3: Tea and Aisles

October 6th, 2011


Today we went to some fun places! We went to an old house and a beautiful cathedral!

The house was called Number Twenty Nine. It is also called Georgian House Museum. The house was the residance of Mrs. Olivia Beatty who moved in in November 1782. She had seven children, 5 boys and 2 girls. Her husband, David passed away in January of 1794. Mrs. Beatty moved away in 1806 and the lease was taken up by Mr. Ponsonby Shaw. She died on September 9th, 1843 at the age of 83. The exhibt opened up in 1991. The house has many colors and 5 levels. The rooms were beautifully decorated and really reflected the time period. After we looked at the house, we had tea in their little cafe.
This was the attic. It ws also used as a nursery!

This was the piano/drawing room.

Next we went to St. Patricks Cathedral. It ws built as a church in 1192 and it is believed that St. Patrick performed her first baptism in Ireland in a well on the grounds which is still there. It became a cathedral in 1213. Most of the present building dates back to the 13th and 14th centuries. It fell into poor condition until the 19th centry when Sir Benjamin Lee Guinness restored it. 

Wouldn't that be an awesome aisle to walk down on your wedding day!

After all this excitement today we still have more coming! We are getting one a plane at 6:50pm to go to Copenhagen, Denmark. We will be coming back to Dublin before flying home though. 
So far so good! 

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