Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Day 12: I wish I were a Princess...

October 15th, 2011

Dear Friends back home,

Miriam and I had the most beautiful day! We went to Versailles and the Luxembourg gardens and palace! There is so much to say so I will get right to the chase.

We started at Versailles. Seriously, imagine the most amazing thing you have ever seen and multiply by ten! It was Fantastic!!! It became important in the 17th century when the district of Versailles was the unofficial capital of France. King Louis the 14th used this district as his seat of authority. He enriched the building significantly and used the ground for his private passion, hunting! Funny huh? It remained the primary Royal home until the Grench revolution when the monarchy was overthrown. It became a museum in 1837.
Instead of talking about what it looks like, I am just going to show you so you can oooh and awww at how beautiful it is.

So if that was not beautiful enough, we then went to the Luxembourg gardens and palace. The palace today is the Senate building. The palace was built in 1615 for the queen of France, Marie de Medici. She was originally living in the Louvre castle, but she thought it was a little on the dark side and she thought the Luxembourg gardens and palace offered her a breath of fresh air. Her husband, the king, was assonated, so she ruled the kingdom until her son was old enough. When he was, he sent her into exile until she was allowed back in 1625 for her daughter’s wedding. The Palace was finally inaugurated. During the French Revolution, it was transformed into a prison and later transformed into house of senate. Since it was turned into the Senate building, it did not have the personal belongings like Versailles had, but the architecture was the most amazing thing.

As you can see, the gardens were also spectacular!

By that time, Miriam and I were hungry so we found a little french restaurant to catch some dinner at. While we were sitting at our table, two boys came over and started talking to us! They asked us to go see the Eiffel tower again. We told them that we had already been to the tower. Then Miriam started talking about how she did not even know if we had enough money after going to Versailles and the Luxembourg gardens. I sat there looking at her, remembering what Mrs. Dousette said about manners in other countries. Miriam had just made a faux pas! But the boys understood that stupid americans did not know anybetter. Lets just say they did not really want to go to the tower with two americans after that... Ha ha!

As you see, living in a palace would just be a dream! That's why I wish I were a princess so I could have one myself... Maybe some day Prince charming will come...!
Again, I must say good bye so that I can get my sleep. Traveling really takes a lot out of you!

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