Saturday, May 14, 2011

Day 2: Exploring Ireland

October 5th, 2011

Hi there!

After we got off the plane today, we went to get something to eat in the airport cafateria and then headed to find our hostel. After we were all settled in and had our stuff locked in a locker, we went out to our first destination, the Dublin Castle. It was built in 1204 by King John. It was built to defend Dublin, but it never had to withstand a major attack. It was the center for British rule until 1922 when it was handed over to Ireland. It was largely rebuilt after a fire in 1684. The castle has watched the founding of the first Celtic settlement all the way to the inauguration of every president. It was quite a sight! The rooms each more beautiful than the last. I loved walking through and seeing all the wall coverings and tapestries and old things from the castle.
That is the court yard in the middle of the grounds.
Like I said. Beautiful walls, tapestries, carpet, and furnature!

We then took a bus to the Ha'penny Bridge. It is a beautiful land mark built in the 18th century. The name has been changed many times, but this was the name the locals called it. The name comes from the fact that it used to cost one half penny in old english money to cross the bridge. The toll is not there anymore but the same is still used today.

By that time we were hungary so we stoped at a little restaurant and had some good Irish food. I also bought a four leaf clover key chain just because we were in Ireland!

Tonight, we walked over to the Dublin Spire. It is a big point almost like the washington monument. It was built to mark the millenium celebrations in the city, but it was not completed until 2003. It is 120 meters tall and is the largest sculpture in the world. It was all lit up at the bottom and a really cool thing to see.

Well, it's time for bed! We can sleep in in the morning but who wants to sleep when you are in Europe?!

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