Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Day 9: Bonjour France!

October 12th, 2011

Horray! We made it to France! After walking around Brussels in the morning, we hoped on a train at 3:15 pm headed toward the city I have always wanted to visit. PARIS!!! We got settled in hour hostel and headed out to explore the city. We got into France with a couple hours of daylight left so we went to the Eiffel tower first thing because we really wanted to see it at night and it worked in our schedule like that.

The Eiffel tower is more amazing in person than in pictures. It was designed my Gustav Eiffel. The Prince of Wales, King Edward the 7th opened the tower in 1889. The construction of the tower lasted from 1887 to 1889. Something you might not know was that it housed a mercury barometer and it is also used as a key place to measure the wind speed! Since we were there with some daylight still left, we went to the top.

We waited in line for a long time and finally it came our turn to ride to the top! The sight was magnificant! You could see the whole city from the top! After a while we had to come down and we went to the restaurant on the second floor. We had dinner and then went out to take more pictures of the tower since it was night and it was illuminated with gold lighting that lite up most of the city. It was a magical sight!

After we finished stareing at the Eiffel tower, we wandered the streets and looking at all the lights. We came back to our hostel, where I am now, to go to bed so that we can be up  bright and early to go to the Louvre!
Sweet dreams! Zzzzz...

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